My Official Last Homecoming

So reflecting on my alma mater’s homecoming last week, I honestly can say I’m over it and that it will definitely be my last homecoming. I honestly don’t know if it’s because LA has caused me to be slick boojee sometimes or I just got accustomed to certain things. 🤷🏾‍♀️


So it’s like you will see someone you went to school with and y’all both see each other, but nobody speaks. Because it’s like y’all was cool but not super cool and so many years has passed so it’s like awkward. A lot people that didn’t like me in undergraduate are now friendly and speaking! I mean even women that had me blocked on social media has now unblocked me and show love on social media. Crazy right🤔 I mean we are all grown now and I left a lot of my pettiness in the past. If I ever had beef with you college, I’m pretty much over it now in 2017. Let’s just say I was something else back in college!


I honestly think it’s because of what I do career wise, because people like to see what you are doing after college etc. It’s just crazy how you come back to college years later and everything is just the same. Then you think to yourself how was I ever use to this 😩😫!   When reality most of these people didn’t even like me and honestly I only came back to homecoming to show off this bodyyyy baby. 😩😫😂 


Plus I missed out on some great events and parties in Los Angeles while I was gone! I’m just happy my plane tickets wasn’t high 😩😫😩😫 I honestly didn’t realize how ratchet Pine Bluff was until I was back there! The locals act like they never seen a woman before, so they were extra thirsty! The students had no homecoming spirit, it was like they didn’t appreciate homecoming! When I was in undergrad we anticipated homecoming, every year! 


While at homecoming I realized that I’m over homecoming, these people, and these parties lawd. Don’t get me wrong I love my HBCU because if it wasn’t for UAPB I wouldn’t have went to college and probably wouldn’t be the woman I am today but this year was definitely my last homecoming.  


Some people will will hate me for this post but it’s my blog, my thoughts and my life! 

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