Know Your Worth
I know when you read the title you probably thinking I’m talking about a dealing with a man right, nope!
You should know you’re worth when it comes to your business and your prices! For the longest I would always short change myself when doing business with people. I would under charge or not charge at all for my talents! You can’t be scared of telling people your price, now you can’t just go outrageous! Lol I was told you can’t be scared of missing out on opportunities because, you are scared to charge or you’ll forever be doing free work.
At a certain point in your life you have to come to the realization of how much you’re worth, what do you bring to the table and the experience and knowledge you have! Of course at the beginning everyone is working for free, it’s the entertainment industry so it’s expected. I honestly don’t know anyone that started off in the industry getting paid off the bat. Everyone has worked for free it just comes with the territory. You might be working for free, but those are the most important steps in your career because that’s when you are the hungriest! Those are the building blocks of you building your network, your skills and knowledge.
After a couple of years that’s when it should start kicking in that you can make a living doing what you love. So that’s when you have to figure out how to turn your passion into coins! Now don’t get me wrong sometimes I still do some things for free, but better believe it’s beneficial to me.
When charging people you want to be competitive but, not low balling yourself. Because when you start charging for your services you have to be able to execute.
The moment somebody pay you the price you really feel like you deserve , is an automatic confidence booster and assurance to yourself.
Show results and you will see a difference.
2017 was my first year not having a job and depending on faith and it was nothing but God!